Monday, April 16, 2012


So, I was looking into this NaNoWriMo thing.  Basically for those of you who don't feel like following the link, it stands for National Novel Writing Month.  During the month of November participants work to complete a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  The moderators of the event apparently don't actually verify the work, they just count the number of words. 
I wonder how many submissions they recieve that are just swear words repeated 50,000 times?


  1. I participate nearly every year but don't sign up or do it officially. Can you imagine how much time and trouble it would be to write swear words 50K times? You'd have to really be someone without a life to even bother LOL.

  2. I've competed in NaNo for about seven years now. The last three years I've hit the 50k mark! It's actually pretty fun. The point is that most people work best under a deadline - even if it is self imposed and how many times have you said or heard "I should write that story!" The "winning" part comes in the "holy crap! I just wrote 50k words in 30 days!" And I think that they have a program that kicks out 50k of repeated words.

    1. Congrats on hitting 50,000 words. I don't know that I could do it myself.

  3. I don't think I know 50,000 different swearwords, that would be quite a challenge. Not quite so family friendly though :-)

  4. I don't think anybody would bother with 50,000 swear words. I mean, if you cared enough to participate, you'd care about actually finishing a novel. I have heard tell of writers getting desperate and having characters sing along to songs -- every. single. word. of them lol!

    1. I'm pretty sure if I was trying to write that much in such a short period of time I'd probably resort to song lyrics, or rambling recaps of whatever tv show I last watched.

  5. Gotta agree with KarenG! Can you imagine the idiot who would try to scam NaNo in that way? Not someone I even want to know.

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